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Tactical Plan

This is what some people believe to be the tactical emphasis employed by terrorist organizations battling the United States. 


ACTION – Attacks. Create fear and induce economic disruption. Kill Americans.


REACTION – American increase in security, travel restrictions and economic shifts to enable recovery.


FALLOUT – Citizens to blame U.S. government. Government to initiate new laws to protect populace; but out of necessity these changes cause restrictions in freedom and movement.


COUNTER ACTION - America Attacks. (War on Terror)


COUNTER REACTION – Islamic clerics point to American attacks against Islamic states or holy territories and call for Islamic Jihad.


COUNTER FALLOUT – American’s lose resolve for protracted conflict. (Terrorist's believe America has no stomach for bloodshed.) Political blame ensues as media and elites point to American actions and compare them to terrorists while elevating terrorists to the level of revolutionaries or freedom fighters. Ultimately America retreats and withdraws on from the War on Terror, (at least on military fronts) and Islam claims victory.


A victory by radical Islam will fuel the very attacks that appeasement sought to defer. Victory for radical Islam becomes rallying cry for recruitment and continued war against the United States.


Does any of this sound familiar?  If it doesn't it should.  Just take a look around and listen to our politicians and the liberal media. 

Radical Islam

  • The 9/11 attacks.
  • The War on Terror.
  • Liberal attacks against the Iraq War.
  • Dumbing Down of American Students.
  • Multi-Culturalism and a push for absolute tolerance.
  • Moral Ambiguity and a push for Moral Relativism.
  • Liberal attack on America’s Moral high ground in the War on Terror.
    • Prisoner abuse?
    • Iraq War, a vendetta?
    • Iraq, missing Weapons of Mass Destruction?
    • Iraq, no connection with Al-Qaeda?
  • Failure to adopt national language.
  • Failure to control illegal immigrants in country.
  • Failure to police America borders.
  • Rise of China as economic and military power.
  • Loss of American manufacturing jobs.
  • Rise of Anti-American posture in the world.
  • European indifference (as prior to World War I and II).
  • Increase tolerance of Islam and holy book Koran, but increasing intolerance against Christianity, the Bible and their relevance to the founding of America.
  • Islam in American prisons.
  • Islam in the American Military.
  • Russian failures to secure and protect nuclear technologies, and control nuclear arsenal, and biological and chemical agents.
  • Iran and their rise as a nuclear power and hard line political leadership.
  • North Korean and Asian nuclear flashpoint.
  • Terrorist cells operating within the U.S.
  • Failure to see significance of absolute victory in Iraq and how such victory impacts terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda.
  • Totalitarian regimes in the Middle East and their efforts to maintain control at American expense.
  • Africa – debt forgiveness and continuous aid is not the answer.
  • America politics and the liberal agenda to defeat conservatism at any cost.

The above is an experpt from www.amerislam.com

Radical Islam

An American Police Officer in Iraq

January 17, 2007
With a member of the Iraqi Army