One of the greatest things about living in America is that
we are all entitled to our opinion. Not everyone will agree with that opinion but we're entitled to it nonetheless.
Where we have gone wrong though is that we have taken that
right for granted. We have become a society divided by our moral and religious beliefs. We have become too comfortable.
Most of us really don't pay attention to what is going on around us, much less around the world, unless it affects us directly.
As far as opinions, mine is simply that, an opinion.
It doesn’t mean that I'm right and you're wrong. I am proud to be and have chosen to be a Conservative Republican.
That doesn't mean you have to make that same choice. Things would be a lot simpler if we would just agree to disagree.
Unfortunately our current political system doesn't work
that way. We're in the midst of perhaps our greatest military challenge and our own country is dealing with families
living in poverty, homeless people, child molesters, out of control immigration and the list goes on and on. Yet,
our politicians are spending $100,000,000 each on a campaign for the Presidency. Is there not a problem with that?
The Democrats, especially Hillary and Barak, are always
bashing the President on his 'alleged" failures in Iraq. Has he failed? Sure, in some ways he has. But he
may lose some "battles" but the war is far from over. I want you to ask yourself this question though; has any Democrat
come up with a clear cut plan for Iraq? The answer is no. They will say whatever they think the people want to
hear. I'm not saying that President Bush is perfect. After all, he is human just like you and I. But I do
believe that he is a 'faith-based" President.
That would explain why he is hated by so many of "Hollywood
Crowd." They can't stand the fact that he has not waivered on his commitment or on his faith. They can't stand
the fact that they can't pin some immoral or unethical act on him. And ask yourself this question. Do those in
Hollywood, for example, Danny Devito, Bill Maher or any number of actor or actresses really care about you or me or our military
men and women? The answer is no. Why should they? They have more money than they can spend and they have
no worries. Unfortunately they do have worries. The day will come when they will have to answer to someone more
powerful than a producer, director or agent.
We, the United States, have become the "world's police"
whether we like it or not. People worldwide expect us to stand up for the oppressed. Perhaps we should just withdraw
all of our troops, bring them home and worry about our own country and forget about everyone else. If things were that
simple we would have nothing to worry about.
What I want you to realize is that God will use nations
such as ours to complete his work. It's time for people to realize that it is not about us as individuals. Life
is much more complex. John Kennedy, in his famous speech said it best; "Ask not what your country can do for you but
what you can do for your country."
All I'm asking for is that people support our troops.
I'm sure that most of them would much rather be home. But they don't have that choice. As a civilian employee
of a government contractor I can choose to end my career here in Iraq on a moment's notice.
People have no idea of the negative effects a divided nation
has on its soldiers. Those effects go far beyond even soldier morale. That division can and will have an affect
on terrorism worldwide. As long as we are divided the terrorists will continue to capitalize on that.
Well, those are my thoughts on the "big picture."
Again, I welcome your comments, positive or negative. May God bless each of you and may God bless America,
our allies and our enemies.